Sunday, February 3, 2013

A Day In Our Life

Things here in Russia work a bit differently for our family since we are home schooling. I thought some of you might be interested see what we do all day!! Our daily schedule starts with school in the morning. We work on learning and doing our school work until noon. At noon, Gary comes in for lunch and we have an hour break from our schedule. I usually spend mornings doing laundry as well. There are only washers here, no dryers. The washing machines are very small. I can usually wash one pair of Gary's pants and two pairs of Okies in one load. We then have to hang everything up to dry on the drying rack or the fancy clothes-line I made in our hall closet. It is very important that we stay on top of the laundry as we can usually only get two small loads a day to dry completely.
                                                          Our small washing machine

                                                     The drying rack in the utility room

                                         This is the clothes-line I made in the hall closet

After lunch, we have outside play time. There have been many days when it is too cold to go outside but we have had a few warm days lately and the kids have played in the snow alot. They also have some new Russian toys they have been playing with.

                                      Okie playing with his new WWII Russian Army guys

From 2 to 3 pm, we alternate between computer time and play time. 3 pm is the dreaded because it is chore time. But its also snack time so 3 pm is met with mixed emotions :)
                                                 A somewhat clean room with beds made

We then have a little TV time until supper time. Our tv here is pretty limited to the DVDs that we brought from America. We have a satellite but it only has about 4 English channels. In Okies desperation, he sometimes watches cartoons is Spanish, Arabic and Russsian. After supper is reading time and the last bit of TV time for the day. Whew... time to go to bed!!!

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